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Kevin Coghlan

Kevin Coghlan

May 28, 2024

When I was 16 my Dad put me on the train to Jasper where I rode alone through to Calgary, seeing the wonders of Banff and Jasper National Parks.  I have been riding and racing ever since and love the freedom bikes give us. As a respiratory therapist, I love the interrelationship of cardiopulmonary function with my passion for racing and the patients I treat.

Age: 57

Hometown: St Albert, Canada

Bikes in your garage: Cannondale Super Six evo, GT Grade and Dolan TT

Favourite Biomaxa Product: Biomaxa Degreaser, nothing better than a nice clean drivetrain. 

Favourite Food: Shepherd's pie, good comfort food.

Favourite place to ride: Favorite ride has to be the Mount Edith Cavell road in Jasper National Park

Best cycling memory: Coming back from a series of serious knee surgeries, I did the L'Etape just for fun to see where I was in my rehab.  I won my age group and with friends there at the finish line, it sure was fun. 

Top/most notable results: Again, I like to use recent events, post rehab; L'Etape, 2023 Master's provincial champ, few medals on the track and the Urban Fondo top 10, all let me know I'm getting back on track. 

Aspiration (What you dream about achieving on your bike): I want to be the 80yr old that lines up for a 20km TT.

To relax I: I love the mountains, whether to ride, hike or scramble.

If you weren’t riding/racing bikes – what do you think you would do instead?  Yikes, that's a scary thought. When young, I played soccer, hockey and rugby but always came back to the bike.

Biomaxa Ambassador Since: 2024

Social Media Profile:@coginthewheel99

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